Saturday, November 27, 2010

things that sparkle

i love things that sparkle, shiny things that you find on the beach, and by the river, things that ravens steal and pile in their nests.

but as a mama i am finding there are other kinds of shiny things i love to collect,
things far more precious than stones and shells...

sparkles in the eyes of my daughter when she is so very proud of herself
mischief eyes when she thinks she has played a great trick
laughing eyes when she is so very funny
crazy eye when she is way past tired
and really did not need the cookie after supper but loved the sugar rush
the sparkle of determination as she holds her pencil in a death grip
trying to write the almost impossible "e" in her name
the glow of her stink eye when life is not fair and she doesn't want a brother anymore...

his laughing eyes when he has managed to lick me despite all my loud protests
his mischief eyes as he chases his sister around trying to lick her too
the delight in his eyes as i rush around the corner and scare him
his snarly eye when he is mad mad mad, and cute, cute, cute
sneaky eye as he hides under a blankey giggling and saying "come find me mama"...

but i am finding there is a sparkle eye that i have been collecting with more tenderness than any other,

the glitter of a teary eye,
of a tiny broken heart,
and a world that is not always fair,
even when you are small and precious,
and  as i hold those precious tears to my heart,
i cant help but think of my heavenly Father
and all the tears he has collected of mine,
and i find myself understanding if only a little, how precious i am to Him, how much He loves me, how much He hurts when i hurt, and how much He has gone through to show me His great love,

it is easy in this season to think of Jesus as a baby, yet as i watch my own children grow i am reminded that it is not easy to be a child, with no say, with no control, in a world that can be cruel and cold, and i thank God for his great great sacrifice. 

i dread the day my children will meet even one bully, and He sent His precious son to a world right full of them.

"Thank you o my Father for giving us your Son, and leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done."


  1. What beautiful words and sentiments...this really touched my heart to read. Your writing is beautiful and tonight it's really been a gift to me to just be able to read it. I understand what you mean although I have never thought about it in the words you used.
    How overwhelming to think that our sorrows and pains are not lost but held close to our Father's heart...we are worth so much to Him.
    Such a beautiful post, I almost want to copy it out and keep it!:)

  2. thank you so much for your kind words colleen, i have only just started this blogging thing, i just write what i see, and always with the hope that it will bless someone, so your words are precious to me.
