Friday, March 23, 2012

the sting of regret and the hurt of goodbye...

it has been along time since i have written, and while my blog has been still, my life has been anything but.

in fact there has been so much that i just have not known how to speak

i wanted to write something special for those who have been special to me

but sometimes when a heart hurts, it is silent

sometimes what we feel is not pretty or profound.
sometimes it is just pain and confusion and....

on December 24 while i sat in the Christmas eve service at my church and listened to the wonders of the season
my grandma slipped silently from this world...
an unbeliever lost forever

i went to see her before the end
i sat with her
but i didn't know how to reach her,
i could hold her hand, and i did
i wanted to make her a believer
i wanted to force salvation on her
but i didn't
i couldn't
it seems that if someone lives their life without God they die that way too

maybe i should have pushed
maybe i should have forced it
maybe i should have done something
yet in those moments i just felt helpless

the truth is i should have shared my faith with her many years ago
i should have shown her Jesus when she was busy living
and not waited till she was consumed with dying

and i am filled with regret
it sits beside me and whispers to me daily

it has become a unwanted companion

we had to re home titan
and i was thinking how i regretted getting him
how if we had not gotten him and had kept krinkle my son would not be so sad
and everytime he says "i miss krinkle, krinkle was MY dog"
regret snuggles in a little deeper

and then while the sting of letting titan go was still new
 krinkle passed suddenly away
and my heart exploded
and regret flowed out like poison

i wished i could just let it flow till it was all gone
but i know it doesn't work that way
the more it flows the stronger it becomes
till it plants itself permanently in my heart

and because i cant be sad all the time
because i cant cry forever
eventually it will turn into bitterness and anger
and the poison of it would become my legacy

so i must choose to let regret go

so i try to look at the other side
there is always another side
and if i can shake regret for a moment
if i can look past the heartache

maybe i will find relief

maybe i will see that God is truly in control
that regret changes nothing in the past, it simply taints the now

i know that God will not take someone from this earth who will choose Him
 until they do choose Him

i don't know if my grandma made that choice.
i think she did not
but i don't know that
maybe i should have done more for her
but i could not give her my faith
i could not lend it to her either
and i must come to terms with the fact that we all make our own choice about eternity
i can choose to remember her in life
and honor her right to choose

what i do know,
is that we made the right choice for krinkle, in giving her the loving family that filled her last 16 months of life

maybe we should not have gotten titan,
but even had we not gotten him

we still owed krinkle her own family
we owed her a life filled with love and peace and security,
she deserved to be the only dog
and i can find joy in knowing that she was loved
that she found what she needed and thrived in her new home
 i can miss her in peace
and honor her in my sadness
goodbye krinkle-pop-scally-wag

and good bye grandma Anderson

i will miss you both


  1. I'm sorry for your heartache, Wendy. It's never easy going through painful, emotional times, like you are right now. I wish I knew the words to say to help.

    If you ever need to talk, I know my mom is always happy to hear from you!

  2. There are times to grieve, & times to be silent. A time for peace & a time for growth. Sometimes when you have nothing left to voice that is when you may receive so much within your heart. My sadness is added to this dear friend. Krinkle was loved deeply. Hearts are aching. Kai was so close to her he wrote a card to read to his class. It read: Krinkle was our dog. She was loved by 2 families. Quite a lot of friends liked her too. She will be remembered. Rest in peace. March 20, 2012.
    Praying for you now & loving our friendship.
    Jesus be with the Deleeuw family. Be with Wendy. Help her to know You are a constant comfort. A light in the storm. When they weep hold them. When they ache whisper healing. We trust You Lord. Truly. Amen.

  3. Wendy, I am so very sorry for the grief you are experiencing. And now I understand the silence in your blog. I have missed your writings.
    I remember hearing someone pray that a grieving family would 'grieve well'. I ask God to give you freedom and wisdom to grieve well.
    May you know God's love, His strong love and grace. May the coming days be filled with the Son and the sunshine.
