she turned six
my tiny baby bird who used to need me for everything
as we walked thru the mall to build-a-bear with her two new friends from school
she didn't hold my hand
she just walked along with her two besties
all excited about her big adventure
and being six
and my hand felt ~empty~
and i did the math while we walked
6 years
that's one third of my time with her in my home
one third is done already
and i suddenly realised how very quickly it ends
all my moments with her are so precious
and so fleeting
she is so wonderful
my beautiful daughter
so caring
so filled with life and emotion
with a short fuse, yet so quick to forgive
always making sure someone isn't left out
wanting to make a friend of the bully so he will learn how to be a friend
and making a friend of that bully
maybe his only one
yet setting boundaries "if you push my other friends on the ground, i cant be your friend, you have to be nice"
i am crying as i write this and she noticed and came over with a note that was
just the word MAMA with a picture of a broken heart
she wanted me to write on the back why i am sad so she could help me feel better.
i drew her little with a arrow to her big
she understood immediately
and is now working on "the Avienda shrink machine"
sometimes i can not even believe how much God has blessed me
she is now getting into the shrink machine, so off i go to get my tiny baby bird back :)
happy sixth birthday my sweet baby bird!
i love you more than i could ever begin to express